PSU Education Conference

Economic, social, and environmental changes are happening continuously and dynamically, fostering a desire for lifelong learning in order to respond to these changes effectively. Therefore, we must ensure that equal opportunities are provided for everyone to learn for continuous self-development throughout adulthood. This fundamental notion drives the long-term building of a sustainable future. One effective way of implementation is through Cooperative and Work-integrated Education (CWIE) platforms that answer the need for developing student competencies currently on-demand by the labor market (Demand-driven Education).
For the aforementioned reasons, the Association of Professional and Organizational Development Network of Thailand Higher Education (ThaiPOD Network), together with Prince of Songkla University, organizes the 12th Education Conference on the topic “Bridging our future: Sustainable and Inclusive Education” with the objective of creating an exchange of experiences in sustainable education management involving all higher education stakeholders. Although this is the 12th conference organized by Prince of Songkla University, it is the first held in cooperation with the ThaiPOD Network.
This conference provides a forum for seminars, exchanging ideas, and sharing experiences to enable sustainable learning, development, and practices in teaching and learning management. Presentations of faculty research, educational personnel, and students provide additional information on the topic. In addition, SOUTHERN CWIE FORUM 2024 will be organized alongside as a regional forum for exchanging knowledge and creating cooperation among business establishments, to develop Thai education in line with the needs of the labor market in an era with many challenges and changes.
The conference will take place from December 18-20 2024 at the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty the King’s Accession to the Throne International Convention Center, Prince of Songkla University.
The ThaiPOD Network and Prince of Songkla University invite interested faculty members, educational personnel, and students to attend the 12th Education Conference and submit research papers for presentation.
1. Exchange of knowledge and experiences in sustainable education management among educational personnel and Cooperative and Work-integrated Education (CWIE), applicable to organize effective teaching and learning management, to develop in line with the needs of the labor market.
2. Promotion of cooperation networks between higher education institutions, the public sector, the private sector, and organizations related to education and CWIE.
Research Context
the 12th Education Conference under the topic “Bridging our future: Sustainable and Inclusive Education”- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Science and Technology
- Health Sciences
Presentation Format
Oral and Poster
Target Group
1. Faculty members, educators, academic staff, and interested students from Prince of Songkla University and other institutions across the country; high school and vocational colleges (approx. 500 people).
2. Representatives from the private sector, government sector, and related organizations.
Dates and venues
1. December 18-20 2024, from 08.00 to 16.30 at the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty the King’s Accession to the Throne International Convention Center, Prince of Songkla University
2. December 18 2024: SOUTHERN CWIE FORUM 2024
3. December 19-20 2024: the 12th Education Conference
Registration fees (THB)
The Association of Professional and Organizational Development Network of Thailand Higher Education (ThaiPOD Network) and Prince of Songkla University